Recents in Beach

A dialogue between the mind and the internal observer.

 That causes internal conflicts and attracts you external problems. That's why awareness increases, weak control over negative thoughts and sensations, because you begin to understand that the majority of internal conversations    It's programming and it's the same thing every day.    Here you have to be vigilant and discover that what you're thinking is not for you.

Mind: Do you always fail to achieve your goals?

Internal Observer: No, I've succeeded in a lot of things in the past.

Mind: But you lost a lot of money in many projects.

Internal observer:

Yes, I lost a lot of money because of my arrogance and the greed of false vanity.

But I have gained experience to succeed in my future projects.

Mind: But now you don't have liquidity.

Internal Controller: I will work again and save money.

Mind: What about the lost years of your failed experiences?

Internal Observer: Yes.

The mind is close to victory over the internal observer (consciousness).

Internal controller:

Here you are trying to get me into the illusion of the time what happened in the past can not be changed by thinking about it.

It's like a dream.

But I will see it as an experiment and a lesson for the future.

Mind: Look at those who have achieved so much and succeeded in achieving their goals and that you have failed in everything.

Internal observer:

The success of others does not mean that I am a loser because everyone has a different life path and life is a game once you win and lose another.

But the most important thing is experience and experience.

Mind: You justify your failure because you are a weak person.

Internal observer:

There is no idealism in life, but we as human beings have good qualities, and others need to accept them and try to develop them.


Internal Controller: .........

In the end.

This internal dialogue may last a long time depending on how much pain you feel and the negative beliefs you've programmed by your family, community and the media.

Most of our problems in life in general begin when we believe in what the mind says about life and what others tell us.

Negative thoughts sneak into us slowly and then start attracting ideas like them to weaken your inner psychological immunity and this makes you succumb to the challenges of life in general.

Unable to direct your inner thoughts, you feel completely collapsed.

Some will ask:

How can I make my inner psychological immunity strong so that I can understand my mind and direct my mind to what I want?

Answer: Awareness.

Awareness is a way of life that depends on taking care of what you think you feel most of the time.

Until you discover some of your negative thinking patterns and beliefs...

That causes internal conflicts and attracts you external problems. That's why awareness increases, weak control over negative thoughts and sensations, because you begin to understand that the majority of internal conversations

It's programming and it's the same thing every day.

Here you have to be vigilant and discover that what you're thinking is not for you.

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